best game ever my wife left me
best game ever my wife left me
Lovin' This so far <3
Def has that satisfying movement I was looking forward to
THIS IS AMAZING I LOVE THIS GAME!!! thanks @tomfulp for the reddomendation :3
and great job with this aplove!
polish the movment, get a original soundtrack, and make the game have a lot of original environments and you have a frontpage top 5 monthly game
Love it
Ah yes this is a great game. Great for a like mobile situation too. Like this is a great game all around but it also really feels like it belongs on a phone which is awesome. I really do like this game and it's art and it's gameplay AHHHHHH ITS SO GOOD!!! Sorry all for not getting around to playing it till now :/
Well I guess it's more of my loss than yours XD
Come on and get yourself together, there's no time to rest
And if you put the time in, he'll put you to the test
He's like a running man, in his world, more is less
And if you wanna test him best bring your best
You can't stop now, lock and load
Don't stop now, come on and rock and roll!
This should definitely be a collab project in the future
Collab shmollab, pshh- what’s the hubbub?
You have limitless potential, endless possibilities! Believe in yourself! You can do anything!
Message me whenever :3
matching pfp with my gf cerealgutz<3
Age 18, He/Him
Drive In Movie Theat
Joined on 5/16/21